Thursday, June 12, 2008

Software for a concurrent world

I always enjoy listening good technical speeches. This is one of those interesting ones.

First thing noticeable is the guys presentation skills, that is definitely damn good and he backed up his views computer science theory and real world examples. As a software programmer I also think now the time has arrived us to think more seriously about concurrency about our programs. If we can achieve this parallelism via using CPU level then that would be hugely advantageous as the he suggested.

But there is something I don't agree with him here. Will the business programmers will move in to a functional programming language to achieve this task? For me it is going to be huge leap which will require some additional time and money which can not be satisfied easily. If we can achieve this same parallelism while sitting in the same business programming language like Java that would be very nice feature add programmer's armory. I am wondering is there a bridge between Erlang and Java?

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